Think Globally - Act Locally
Once the idea of a world without war has made itself clear to us, the next question is "What can we do to make it happen?" The answer is not carved in stone. The whole business of developing this idea into a workable system is a process that will take time, energy and long range vision. We must see into our own future and form an image of what we want our world to be, then bring it back to today as our goal. World Without War: a concept that every society, every religion, every philosophy can include and embrace. Making war illegal is step one. The old axiom "Keep It Simple" should be an important part of the process. The idea can be presented simply and implemented simply. Common sense should be our guide. The wisdom of no longer accepting war as an option will become plain to everyone eventually. We need only begin thinking and talking about a world without war. The idea will provide its own momentum and life through our individual and group efforts.