World Without War
Our Highest Responsibility
Beyond War
How to Achieve a Peaceful World
First Steps on the Path
Peace is Action
Appropriate Response
Fire Department for the Fires of War
Practical Problems
Dark Ages
No Quick Fix
Work For Us All
Into the 21st Century
Think Globally
Age of Arbitration
May Peace Prevail On Earth
Into Our Future
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Appropriate Response


    We will need to know when and where war breaks out and who is involved.  We must respond quickly and specifically.

    We will aim our peacekeeping forces at the armed conflict only.  This will not include a generalized response beyond the immediate conflict.

    The idea is to force a halt in the fighting and force negotiations to begin.

    Our reaction will be divided into two distinct components.  The initial military peacemaking force will halt the fighting and violence.  It will be followed by the peacekeeping force, which will maintain a nonviolent situation, allowing mandatory negotiations to take place.

    Military peacemaking forces will be deployed only in response to violence.  The level of peacemaking reaction will be carefully adjusted to stop the bloodshed and end the armed conflict as quickly as possible.

    Mandatory negotiations will begin as soon as the fighting has been stopped.  The negotiations will uncover where the real conflict lies.


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