Practical Problems
Many practical problems will begin to become apparent as these ideas develop. Who oversees the program? Who watches the watchers? What is "appropriate response"? How can the fears of those concerned with global government be addressed? Civil war, terrorism, ethnic strife, tribal feuds, international aggression and all the myriad variations on these themes of armed conflict must be prepared for. A long-range peaceful future will require many short-range tough responses. Armed peacekeepers will have to be ready to stop war wherever and whenever it appears. Beyond that, the new tools and processes of negotiating differences fairly and quickly must be developed. When the armed conflict is stopped, the real work of settling the dispute begins. Eventually, we will skip the destructive conflict stage and take our differences straight to the arbitration and settlement stages. Up to this point, we have allowed violence to grow into wars in which hundreds, thousands or millions have died before we negotiated a settlement. We can and will do better in our future.